Contests at the Onset Chalkfest!
Come celebrate our Town’s natural resources by visiting our Wareham Land Trust (WLT) table at the Onset Bay Association (OBA)’s upcoming Chalk-Full-O-Fun Street Painting Festival! The WLT will be sponsoring a prize for the chalk panel that best captures the natural beauty of Onset and Wareham. Two prizes will be awarded based on votes from the public at our table. Both prizes will include a one-year membership in the WLT. The winners can continue to display their pride in our community’s amazing natural resources with first place awarded their choice of a WLT shirt or hat and second place awarded a WLT pint glass.
The OBA is registering artists of all ages for their squares ($5) to help them chalk the walks. There will be an artisan craft fair going on at the same time with over 20 vendors and community groups on hand with a variety of handmade items and information.
Join us on Saturday August 19th from 9-4 at the Lillian Gregerman Bandshell in Onset! Come by our WLT Table to VOTE for the chalk panel best capturing our town’s natural beauty!! Visit the OBA’s table to vote for the festival’s main prizes of the "People's Choice" and "Honorable Mention."
This program is supported in part by grants to the OBA from the Wareham and Rochester Cultural Councils, local agencies which are supported by the Mass Cultural Council, a state agency. This posting is made possible with funds to the WLT from Wareham's Community Events Committee (CEC).