Have you saved the date? Clambake XXXVI – Friday, July 9th
The Lloyd Center for the Environment’s Clambake XXXVI – “36 years of Celebrating Science and Education!” will be held on Friday, July 9, 2021.
Given the continuing health crisis, we will be offering both our well-received Meals to Go and the Silent Auction in online format once again. Details to follow!
If you would like to donate an item to our exciting online auction, go to https://www.biddingforgood.com/auction/item/donate.action?auctionId=341697549 for more details or contact Nina or JoAnn at clambake@lloydcenter.org.
A tradition upon which so much depends, the Clambake helps to underwrite the costs of the Lloyd Center’s critically important environmental education, research, and outreach programs. Today, the Lloyd Center is working hard to bring first-rate environmental science classes to thousands of deserving children in our area’s public schools.
Even in a tumultuous 2020, the Lloyd Center’s staff served 5,000 students with socially-distanced Summer Programs, After School Programs, and Zooming into local classrooms with their environmental programming.
Members of Clambake XXXVI Steering Committee are Nina Weeks (Chair), Sandra Hall, Winnie Phyfe, Suzie Prescott, Jane Rheaume, and Daphne Siegal.
Artwork courtesy of Sandra Hall