Arguments, phone calls, and vomit: Old Rochester Regional High School’s 'God of Carnage'

Mar 3, 2025

BOURNE — With only four students on stage, the small but mighty cast of Old Rochester Regional High School’s “God of Carnage” caused a spew of laughter from the audience at the Massachusetts High School Drama Festival.

The play featured two couples descending into madness after trying to settle a fight between their sons. Old Rochester's was one of eight shows on Saturday, March 1 at Bourne High School. Each school must have their show be under 40 minutes and is mostly student run.

Senior Clara Bonney and junior Sophie Bozzo worked with the costume crew and enjoyed being able to help bring the characters to life.

Bonney said her favorite part about making costumes was finding little details to add to each character to showcase story elements.

“One couple is much richer and much wealthier. We found this huge gem ring that is atrocious and you can see it from across the room,” Bonney said. “It really adds to her character and her personality and the couple's relationship.”

Most of the clothing and accessories the actors wear on stage was found within their costume loft. With a small cast, and no back stage outfit changes, being on the team wasn’t that difficult besides a few issues with finding pants and shoes that fit the actors.

“We just have to make sure that the cast is ready and when the actor throws up we have to make sure her pouch is okay. We also do makeup,” said Bozzo.

The pouch was hidden within one of the character's jackets and was made using an IV bag and a tube that ran up the actor's sleeve. The actor would squeeze the bag when it came time to throw up on stage.

Junior Dillon Furtado and senior Max Chase, both stage managers, also noted the importance of the throw up scenes. There were a few different options they went through to choose what the vomit was made of. They settled on corn starch and water.

“We had to figure out how to get her to vomit, and how to make it look realistic,” Chase said. "We went through some pretty disgusting options.”

As tough as the show has been, Furtado said most of the cast and crew of "God of Carnage" are also preparing to do their spring musical.

“We have to be at practice six days a week now,” said Furtado. “ It’s a bit rough but I really enjoy it. I love working with our set crew; they're absolutely lovely."

Chase looked forward to watching the other shows.

“I’ve been super impressed by everybody else, and I’m looking forward to seeing how we do,” he said.

As for Bonney and Bozzo, they had different goals for the rest of the festival.

“One guy said he met his wife here,” Bonney said. “We’ve got hundreds of theater kids you know, you don’t know what could happen.”

Old Rochester Regional High School advanced to the semi finals and will compete Saturday, March 15.