Incumbents and newcomers secure nomination papers in Marion election

Feb 24, 2025

MARION — The town of Marion has 10 seats available on the 2025 ballot for the election taking place on Friday, May 16, including one Select Board seat and two school committees seats for Old Rochester and Marion, respectively.

Nominations are not finalized and nomination papers are still available to those looking to run for open positions. The final date to submit nomination papers is Monday, March 24 by 5 p.m.

Select Board Vice-Chair Carleton Burr, Jr. will not be running for reelection after his term ends in May, leaving his seat open to the five nominees currently pursuing the position.

The current list of people who have obtained nomination papers for Select Board include Cynthia Callow, Sean Sweeney, John Hoagland, George TJ Walker and Christopher Collings.

Nominee Cynthia Callow served on several boards in Marion, including 7 years spent working on the Conservation Commission and leading the commission as chair for 2 years. She has been serving as chairman of the Zoning Board of Appeals since 2020.

In addition to her experience in government, Callow worked in education for much of her career as a special education teacher for 18 years and became principal of two public high schools in New Bedford. Currently, she works as an adjunct professor of special education at Boston College.

“I don’t have any hidden agenda and I want what’s best for the town that I’ve lived in for 40 years,” said Callow.

Select board nominee Sweeney served Marion previously through his volunteer work across the South Coast. He worked as a volunteer firefighter in Marion as well as coached softball and basketball for the Marion recreation department.

His previous experience in government includes working on the Zoning Board of Appeals in Needham and Shrewsbury.

Sweeney explains that he has “a very unique skillset” in regard to work experience and education, currently working as a civil engineer at CHA Consulting in addition to holding a master of business administration in finance degree and a law degree.

“I really feel I’m a triple threat where I’m able to really understand the issues in depth, everything from administrative law down to specific issues with the municipal sewer system,” said Sweeney.

Select board nominee Walker currently serves as chair of the Marion Board of Assessors and nominee Collings previously served on the Marion Planning Board.

Collings, Hoagland and Walker were not available to comment on their nominations at this time.

Rochester School Committee incumbent April Nye is running for reelection and looks to continue her work as vice chair.

According to Nye, she works to maintain a balance between listening to what matters to the community while seeking the best interests of students.

“I truly enjoy what I do being on School Committee — doing work for the kids, the school, administration and our community, and I just want to continue that work,” said Nye.

Marion School Committee incumbent Nichole Daniel is running for reelection for the third time, looking to maintain her position as vice-chair.

Daniel strives to help all educators and students feel supported in their needs.

“When the teachers feel supported and everybody feels included and heard, it helps the education and the children,” said Daniel.

Marion Assessor incumbent Peter Winters and Board of Health incumbent Edward Hoffer are currently running unopposed for their positions.

Incumbent John Rockwell and newcomer Adele Sands are running unopposed for the two open seats on the Open Space Acquisition Commission.

Planning Board incumbents Tucker Burr and Andrew Daniel are both running for the two open seats available as their three-year terms end with newcomer Emily Fialho joining the race as well.

Residents can register to vote online at or in person at the Town Clerk’s Office located at 2 Spring Street. The final date to register to vote is Friday, May 2 by 8 p.m.