Old Hammondtown students visit Cuttyhunk Island

Jun 7, 2023

GOSNOLD — Sixth-grade students of Old Hammondtown School traveled to Cuttyhunk Island on Thursday, June 1. 

The Mattapoisett Lands Trust and the Mattapoisett Cultural Council sponsored the day trip, where students attended workshops with the STEAM Academy and island classroom. 

“The weather was perfect and the students had a great time learning about native species, ecosystems, Native Americans and the history of Cuttyhunk,” said Old Hammondtown science teacher Ben Squire. 

Students learned about Wampanoag Culture and having respect for animals, people and plants with education coordinator Gertrude Hendricks Miller. 

“The song with deer hide drums and rattles brought out the respect and kindness element,” said sixth-grade student Ava.

Students also embarked on a salt marsh exploration with Mattapoisett Lands Trust volunteer Hillary Sullivan Marchwinski.

While standing in the marsh, students wore boots and waders and participated in a variety of activities including using tools to measure earth sediment to determine the peat level in the deep mud.

Students also discovered an abundance of marine life during a scavenger hunt around the shore. 

“[I had a] great experience discovering sea lettuce and learned to respect plants and other organisms,” said sixth-grade student Wyatt.