High school debuts newly designed mascot
Old Rochester Regional High School went looking for Troubles—and they found what they were looking for.
Troubles, the school's beloved bulldog mascot was redesigned over the summer, when high school principal Mike Devoll decided it was time for some continuity. "It was on my to-do list for awhile," he said of the project. He sent a student around the high school to find different bulldog logos—she quit at 13.
The high school's principal, Mike Devoll, gave the senior class a sneak peak of the new design. At the school's pep rally, the freshman, sophomore and junior classes waited with anticipation as a countdown clock ran—and the seniors came streaming into the gymnasium, new bulldog towels and a banner in hand.
A panel of 14 students, teachers and staff worked on redesigning the bulldog to create one strong mascot image. The panel took input from a community poll, which asked for ideas from tri-town residents who felt strongly about what design the mascot should have. Classic or cartoon? White, red or black?
With the help of a graphic design company, a new Troubles was born. The new mascot is an angry cartoon bulldog, wearing a red "OR" sweater and an angry scowl.
Student volunteers threw towels bearing the bulldog design into the stands where the younger students sat. "This means I'd better see a bunch of these at the homecoming game tonight!" Devoll shouted.