Mattapoisett to skip Fall Town Meeting

Oct 27, 2020

MATTAPOISETT — The Board of Selectmen decided to forgo a Fall Town Meeting after Mattapoisett was designated as a be a high-risk community on the state covid data map.

“If we’re in the red zone, how are we going to hold a town meeting right now?” Board Clerk John DeCosta asked at an Oct. 27 Board of Selectmen meeting. 

On Oct. 22, Mattapoisett and Rochester were classified as “red” communities on the state covid data map, meaning they have at least eight covid cases per 100,000 people. 

Rochester’s Town Meeting is scheduled for Nov. 16 despite the classification. 

Mattapoisett Town Administrator Michael Lorenco said the town can likely afford to skip the meeting. 

“We hope that we have no crisis, but we put money in the reserve fund,” he said. 

Lorenco also mentioned that the town is continuing to receive aid from the federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act. 

“I feel pretty confident we’ll be able to make it to May with no real issues,” Lorenco said. 

Though, Board Chair Paul Silva suggested the town still look into capital fund projects which he said may be absolutely necessary before the next Town Meeting, and entertain the possibility of an abridged Town Meeting in the winter. 

The town held its regular spring Town Meeting outside in a tent — an option that is less feasible as nighttime temperatures drop below freezing.