Two retiring junior high school teachers to be honored with library books

Jun 18, 2024

MATTAPOISETT — Two new books will be available for students in Old Rochester Regional Junior High School’s library at the onset of the school year in honor of two outgoing teachers.

Mary Caine, a severe disabilities teacher, and Karen Horan, a physical education teacher, both just finished up their last years at the school.

Two books, in memory of the service provided by the pair, have been donated to the school library by the school district.

“We Got Game: 35 Female Athletes Who Changed the World” by Aileen Weintraub was chosen for Horan’s book. “Henry and the Something New” by Jenn Bailey was dedicated to Caine.

Superintendent Mike Nelson thanked Caine for her years of service, noting that he recruited Kane to join the school district after working with her in Walpole.

“I appreciated that she joined us in recent years towards the end of her career,” said Nelson.

Old Rochester Regional Junior High School Principal Silas Coellner spoke about Horan’s impact on the school, calling her “dynamic.”

Coellner said that Horan often introduced new activities to classes such as ballroom dancing and pickleball.

“She started pickleball at the junior high, and the whole world followed her,” said Coellner.

Two of Horan’s most notable skills were the ability to get every student involved in activities and teaching students about the history of certain games and sports, according to Coellner.

“What she has brought to the school has absolutely been phenomenal,” said Coellner. “She has radically impacted every curriculum.”

Horan, who worked at the school for 8 years, was behind the idea of the “Booster Bash,” a fundraising event that has now taken place four times at the school.

Coellner said that the junior high school was the first middle school in the Northeast to have a Booster Bash.

“She’s going to be irreplaceable,” said Coellner.