Board of Health suspects restauraunt is operating over capacity

Jan 20, 2021

MARION — The Board of health will look into the Brew Fish Bar and Eatery after officials noticed that there were a surplus of cars in the restaurant’s parking lot. 

Board Chair Ed Hoffer said at a Jan. 20 meeting that the number cars of cars in the parking lot were making him “wonder if they are in fact compliant with state rules.” 

State-level restrictions implemented by Governor Charlie Baker in December reduce the capacity of all businesses to 25%. The restrictions were initially set to end on Jan. 10, but have been extended multiple times, now lasting until at least Feb 8. 

The board decided to have Public Health Agent Dave Flaherty contact the restaurant before involving police. 

“They sure have an awful lot of cars there for a place that’s only supposed to be 25% use,” Hoffer said.