Hike the east coast without taking a step

Mar 8, 2021

MARION — Join photographer, author, artist, Marion resident, and long-distance hiker Charlie Duane at 7 p.m. on March 12 via Zoom for an interactive presentation of his Appalachian Trail adventures.

Duane’s photos will show the preparation, the serendipitous experiences, and the dangers of long-distance hiking carrying everything required for survival in the wilderness, as well as the highs and lows of traveling long distances alone on foot.

Duane’s footsteps span the East Coast from the southernmost point of Florida to the Cap Gaspé lighthouse at the head of the St. Lawrence River in Québec.

The presentation will feature panoramas and people photographed by a pre-digital camera. 

Duane is an artist and craftsman who, in his career, has hand-lettered America's Cup yachts, photographed tennis great Bjorn Borg, revised Marion's town logo, designed the racing shell graphics for Brown University - one of which has been exhibited in the Smithsonian Design Museum in NYC - and written a book about his long-distance hiking, which is available in the SHS Shop.

The historical society will send the Zoom link on the morning March 12.

There is no charge for Speaker Series presentations, but the Sippican Historical Society encourages donations of any amount to support the society and offset speakers’ fees.  

Donations can be made via PayPal on the historical society’s website.