Hundreds of senior citizens fed at junior high school Thanksgiving banquet
MATTAPOISETT — Nearly 250 Tri-Town senior citizens enjoyed an early Thanksgiving dinner at Old Rochester Regional Junior High School on Sunday, Nov. 24 with the help of over 50 student volunteers.
It was the 31st rendition of the annual event, and school administrative assistant Toni Bailey said it was one of the largest held.
“This is one of those first big events of the year where our kids get to do some community service,” said Principal Silas Coellner. “It brings all three towns together and it is great to give honor and respect to our senior citizens.”
The event is entirely funded by the Tri-Town community. Donations are raised to pay for turkey and other Thanksgiving specialties. Local farms donate apple pies and cider, according to Coellner.
Coellner said the event also provides a great learning experience for the student volunteers.
“A lot of them have never served or set up a table before,” he said. “The kids love it and the seniors love it.
In years past, volunteers for the event have been strictly eighth-grade students. This year, seventh-graders entered the mix.
“We had great participation from seventh and eighth-graders,” said Bailey. “This year we picked up seventh-graders and they have been a huge asset.”
After attending senior citizens found their seats, student volunteers served them food, refilled their drinks and cleared their plates.
After the meal was finished, dozens of gifts and prizes that were donated by the community were raffled off to guests.
“Overall, people are overwhelmingly generous and want to make sure this happens,” said Coellner. “It’s a packed house this time.”
One student volunteer, John Eilertsen, said he wanted to volunteer because his great-grandparents used to attend the event every year.
“It was really nice to help out the senior citizens,” said Eilertsen.