Land trust preserves to be focus of video series

Jul 24, 2024

MATTAPOISETT — The marshlands and preserves of the Mattapoisett Land Trust will be making their big screen debut.

To celebrate the land trust’s 50th anniversary, six videos that show footage of different properties have been created and will be released in coming weeks.

The videos are narrated by actor Sam Waterston, who most notably stars in the television crime series Law and Order.

At a meeting of the Mattapoisett Select Board on Tuesday, July 23, Mattapoisett Land Trust President Mike Huguenin presented a preview to the board and attendees.

“Colleen Andrews, our operations manager, has worked up some short videos of different land trust properties, shot some footage and we were very fortunate to get Sam Waterston to be our narrator,” said Huguenin.

Huguenin said five videos will cover different preserves and popular parks, and one video is an “introduction” to the remaining five, which is the one Huguenin showed.

“These are all two to three minutes long and are designed to be dropped on our website and our social media,” said Huguenin. “We’re going to drop them one at a time for the next three, four weeks.”

“The preserves of the Mattapoisett Land Trust wrap their arms around this seaside town, bringing the serenity of nature close to home,” said Waterston to begin the introduction video. “With protection of biodiversity, open space and your free access as its goals, The Mattapoisett Land Trust has spent 50 years conserving wildlife areas around the town.”

A round of applause from those in attendance followed the end of the video.