Marion starts serious preparations for Hurricane Isaias

Jul 31, 2020

MARION — Town officials are preparing to evacuate Planting Island and part of Point Road if Hurricane Isaias looks like it will hit Marion. 

They would evacuate Planing Island because a storm surge breaching the island’s causeway will cut it off from emergency services. The Water Department would also cut off fresh water to Planting Island to avoid potentially contaminating the water supply of the whole town. 

Point Rod below the lower entrance to Delano Road would also be evacuated if Isaias hits Marion hard. In past storms, trees and downed wires blocked Point Rd for several hours before utility crews were able to remove them. This prevented emergency responders from getting to residents. 

Town officials encourage residents to monitor the progress of Hurricane Isaias and make arrangements for shelter with family or friends in case of an evacuation. A local emergency shelter may be opened, but due to coronavirus restrictions, residents may have to rely on a regional shelter if necessary.

Town officials recommend that residents know if they live or work in a hurricane evacuation zone. That information can be found at

They also advise residents to develop a plan with the members of their household to prepare for what to do in a tropical cyclone, including making an evacuation plan, planning for individuals with access and functional needs, and taking into account any extra considerations during COVID-19 pandemic, including how they might evacuate and where they might evacuate to. For Marion residents in a high-risk population, the safest option may be to evacuate to a location without other people such as a hotel, relatives’ home or other destination.