Mattapoisett at moderate risk for EEE virus

Aug 1, 2019

MATTAPOISETT —  Based on a July 31 sample, the Massachusetts Department of Public Health has moved Mattapoisett from a low to moderate risk condition for the EEE virus carried by mosquitoes.

A “low risk” condition indicates that EEE may occur in a given area. To avoid the virus in a low risk area, individuals should wear mosquito repellent, and long sleeves and pants between dusk and dawn. They should also use mosquito netting on baby carriages and playpens.

A “moderate risk” condition indicates that EEE has occurred in a given area within the last year and/or mosquitoes in the area currently have the EEE virus. In addition to the low risk measures, individuals in these areas should avoid areas with obvious mosquito activity, and wear repellent whenever outdoors.

According to the Massachusetts Department of Public Health three mosquito samples in Mattapoisett tested positive for EEE on July 23.