New Sippican Woman’s Club season set to begin
Marion — Friday, Sept. 13 marks the beginning of a new season for the Sippican Woman’s Club.
The club typically meets on the second Friday of each month at 152 Front St. in Marion.
Events on the club’s calendar for the season include a trip to the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum in Boston and a “Paint and Sip” night.
According to a press release, the club is most well known for its Holiday House Tour held every December. It will be held this year on Saturday, December 7.
“With all-hands-on-deck, members create a much-anticipated tour of elegant, unique and famous homes and includes a delightful Sugar Plum Tea,” read the press release. “The HHT is the Club’s major fundraiser providing scholarships to many worthy Marion students.”
Other group activities include a monthly book club, game night and walking Marion village.
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