Old Rochester seniors learn financial literacy at fair

Apr 17, 2024

MATTAPOISETT — Old Rochester Regional High School hosted an inaugural “Credit for Life Fair” on Wednesday, April 10.

The fair aims to help students learn about budgeting, money management skills and building healthy financial habits. It was hosted in collaboration with Cape Cod 5 bank. Old Rochester seniors participated.

“Most high schoolers don't have an understanding of what credit is, what a credit card is, or when to use it," senior Hunter Bishop said in a press release. "The best part of the event was learning how to manage our finances, and knowing what accounts (credit, checking, savings) we should be paying for things with. It felt very interactive and everyone ended up learning something."

High school students throughout Massachusetts participate in the Credit for Life Fair in the spring, put on by a group of local banks that partner to support financial literacy in Massachusetts public schools, according to the release.

“This was a great opportunity for our seniors to get this kind of experience," Director of Guidance Lauren Millette said in the release.