Opinion: Brad Hathaway thanks community after walk ‘around the world’
To the editor:
As I write this during the holiday season, I have so much to be thankful for.
The last few months have had its peaks and valleys but October 3 will long live in the hearts of the Hathaway family. That is the day I finally completed my 32-year mile, 24,901 hike around the world.
The Mattapoisett Land Trust organized a fundraising celebration of that final mile and I thank all of those members who made it a day to remember.
I thank the more than 100 donors, some of them anonymous, who contributed $9,254 to the Trust to help protect land in the Old Aucoot District where I walked most of those miles.
Thank you, to the selectmen for their framed citation of appreciation; those who walked with me or greeted me along the way; the sign makers, many of them children; those who sent cards or made telephone calls; the local, regional, national and worldwide press (including TV in the United Kingdom, Spain, Australia and India); and the First Citizens Federal Credit Union for its support; and the bagpiper who joined the line of march at Harbor Beach.
Thank you all. My family and I will be forever grateful.
Brad Hathaway and family