Opinion: Tree removal in Marion
To the editor,
Many streets in Marion have recently experienced heavy tree removal particularly Converse Road, Front Street and Spring St. Every 10 years or so Eversource comes through to inspect power lines and remove trees where they think they are in danger of coming down over the wires. Large orange trucks (Asplundh) have been doing the work — hard to miss!
The Marion Tree Committee is working to replace some of these lost trees where possible. In some instances we will need to speak with individual homeowners to see if they are willing to have a tree planted in their yard near the road and away from the power lines. We hope to plant in the fall and Eversource will help with this effort with smaller trees under the wires.
Last year in honor of our 25 years as a Tree City we raised funds to plant 25 trees within the village area. This year so far we have planted 13 new trees in Evergreen Cemetery, seven trees in the newly replanted Childrens’ Garden between the school and library and donated four more trees to the Council on Aging for their walking path.
If you have any questions, please contact me, Margie Baldwin, chair of The Marion Trees and Parks Committee, 508 748-2080
Margie Baldwin, Marion