Robin Rounseville
After 24 years of service, incumbent Robin Rounseville is running to maintain her seat on the Rochester School Committee.
“Every time I think I may be ready to walk away, I realize that I still enjoy the work,” said Rounseville.
Rounseville had four children attend Rochester Memorial School and now has four grandchildren who attend the school.
“Being in that building brings me joy,” said Rounseville. “It’s an amazing place. Great things happen there.”
Rounseville currently is a member of the Tri-Town Education Foundation and is a representative for Rochester on the Old Rochester Regional Joint School Committee.
“I think I have a good idea of what we do well,” said Rounseville. “One of our challenges is always having a budget that supports what we want to do. A budget that supports the great staff we have and social and emotional needs — Important things that I want to continue to advocate for.”
One thing that Rounseville would like to see changed “in an ideal world” would be the presence of bus monitors on every school bus due to student behavioral issues.
One project that Rounseville is proud of being a part of in the past is an expansion to Rochester Memorial School in 2011. She remembers realizing the need for space, going before the Rochester Select Board and seeing everything come together.
“I think I work collaboratively, and I've got some experience under my belt,” said Rounseville. “I think that relationships with staff, administration and families are really important [as well as] taking the time to know what people's everyday concerns are.”