Sippican Rod & Gun Club announces 10th annual Women on Target program

Jul 30, 2024

Event Date: 

Saturday, September 28, 2024 - 8:00am to 5:00pm

ROCHESTER — The Sippican Rod & Gun Club has announced its annual NRA Women On Target program.

The program will be held Saturday, Sept. 28 at 215 Dexter Lane from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

The morning session will teach the NRA Home Firearm Safety Course which qualifies participants to apply for a Massachusetts License-To-Carry or Firearms Identification card.

Following a lunch, the women participants will individually be provided “practical and safe shooting experiences” by rotating through the Sippican Rod & Gun Club’s pistol range, 50 and 100 yard rifle ranges and shotgun trap range.

The event’s $100 fee includes all training materials, eye and ear protection that can be kept, use of the facility, snacks and lunch, ammunition and use of firearms.

Those interested should contact Andrew Daniel at 774-929-0321 and To register, provide a full name, mailing and email addresses, phone number and date of birth. Further information for the program and payment will be provided upon registering.

The class is limited to 24 women, and previous programs have had a waiting list, so those interested are encouraged to apply soon.

Event Date: 

Saturday, September 28, 2024 - 8:00am to 5:00pm