Tyler Macallister wins race for Mattapoisett Select Board
MATTAPOISETT — The town has chosen Tyler Macallister as its next Select Board member.
In an election that saw 700 votes cast, Macallister won the race to fill an open position left by the death of John DeCosta in April.
Macallister defeated Kenneth Wilbur for the position with 471 votes. Wilbur received 224 votes. There were four write-ins, and one voter left the single-contest ballot blank.
After the election, Macallister said he was “very relieved.”
“It’s awful hard to run a very abbreviated campaign in June and July,” he said.
Macallister said he’s looking forward to rejoining the board. He resigned from his position on the board in 2019 to pursue the then-open Town Administrator role.
“I really want to thank everyone who helped with the effort,” Macallister said.
Cynthia Macallister, Tyler’s wife, was the first to hear of his win, as the commercial fisherman was returning home from a day on the water.
“We’re really excited to have the support of everyone in town,” Cynthia said. “It’s great to see that people came and gave us the support they did.”