McGee Music Scholarship continues to further music at RMS

Jul 15, 2016

To the Editor:

The Brendan M. McGee Music Scholarship Fund was established on Oct. 30, 2003, as a memorial to our son, Brendan. His love of music, particularly drums began a legacy of musical opportunities for fourth, fifth or sixth grade students. Whether it be for the rental cost of a musical instrument or other musical experiences, the music fund continues to bring bright smiles to the faces of Rochester Memorial School’s aspiring musicians.

In 2011, a set of kettle drums in our son’s name was purchased for the music department at the Rochester Memorial School.

Over the past several years, any interested sixth grade student who wishes to continue playing a musical instrument as they enter seventh grade at the Old Rochester Regional Junior High School is invited to write a brief letter requesting to be a recipient of a shiny new musical instrument of their choice… What an amazing gift! What joy it brings!

On Monday, the 20th of June 2016, two aspiring musicians were awarded a musical instrument at their sixth grade graduation ceremony. Jennifer Williams was awarded a brand new flute and Ben Demoranville was awarded a tenor saxophone. It was indeed a dream come true for both of them.

With the financial support of the Rochester community, we have been very successful keeping music alive, beginning at the elementary school level.

Thank you all so very much!

We ask that any donations be mailed to Maggie & Bob McGee, 91 Paradise Lane, Rochester, MA 02770, payable to the Town of Rochester, with a memo indicating the money be directed to the Brendan M. McGee Music Fund.

One-hundred percent of all contributions are deposited into the fund to be utilized by the school’s music department with the help of the band director, Chris Williamson. Copies of acknowledgements will be sent to contributors from RMS Principal, Derek Medeiros.


Maggie and Bob McGee