Mary's Pond Road bridge repair delayed

Aug 6, 2018

Repair work planned for the Mary's Pond Road bridge has been postponed until further notice, according to Rochester Highway Surveyor Jeff Eldridge.

Eldridge said the town had recently received approval from its insurance provider to repair the bridge's railings and accompanying accoutrements. A date was set to begin the work, but then it was discovered that some permits were still needed.

The bridge, located near Leonard's Pond, was damaged last winter when a tractor trailer went over the railing.

Town residents were alerted last week by a sign put up by the town highway department near the bridge that work would begin on Aug. 15, and would continue for a two-week period. The sign was taken down over the weekend, Eldridge said on Monday, Aug. 6.

Eldridge said the town will notify the public when the work will begin.