Lands Trust property cleaned, next cleanup Feb. 25

Feb 2, 2012

Two weeks ago, fifteen Marion residents took advantage of a warm and sunny winter Saturday to clean up the trails of the Sippican Lands Trust Radio Tower property.

The most unusual find was a large, ceramic insulator from one of the 14 408-foot tall wireless towers that stood on the property from 1914 to 1960. The black insulator weighs about 25 lbs., and is one of dozens that must still be scattered across the wooded 163-acre site.

The next cleanup will be on Saturday, February 25, when members and friends of the Sippican Lands Trust will do trail maintenance work at Kenny's Landing, located at the end of Ichabod Lane in North Marion.

The work includes adding Sippican Lands Trust signs to the parcel, trail clearing as needed and cleaning up brush and storm-damaged trees near the road.

A pre-cleanup meeting will take place at 9:30 a.m. for coffee at Uncle Jon's. People can sign up ahead of time by calling the Sippican Lands Trust office at 508-748-3080. Gloves, clippers, and waterproof footwear are suggested.

Anne Robertson and son Nate; Earl Briggs and his daughter Jennifer Francis; Nick Grace; Alan Harris and son Sam; Kitsy and John Howard; Marty Howell; Peter Converse; Sam Saltonstall; Bill and Tinker Saltonstall; and Tim Crowley spent two hours gathering trash, tires, car parts and even leftover equipment from the old wireless towers that once stood on the property.

The two boys, Nate and Sam, also lugged two perfectly good truck tires out of the property, which they had found near the old railroad bed (soon to be Marion's portion of the new bike path from Wareham to Fairhaven).