33 new covid cases reported at Sippican Healthcare Center
MARION — In what seems to be an outbreak, Sippican Healthcare Center reported 33 new positive cases of covid-19 on Nov. 6 amongst its staff and residents.
Officials from Sippican Healthcare Center and Whittier Health Network, its parent company, did not elaborate further beyond what it posted on its website.
According to the center’s website, the long-term healthcare facility has had 45 total confirmed cases since May 8. Before today’s announcement, the center only reported 12 cases of covid, the first being an employee who contracted on May 19.
The center said it has been following guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services for both residents and staff.
To prevent the spread of covid, the center has been altering or suspending normal operations of the facility in accordance with state guidelines; limiting visitors and social distancing residents; screening employees every shift; increasing cleaning and sanitizing; providing new residents with cloth masks and providing education to them on the use of the masks, hand hygiene and cough etiquette; distancing of residents; limiting residents’ movements outside their rooms; and separating covid positive residents from others who live there.