Candidate Profile: Norm Hills

Jun 3, 2020

Norm Hills is running for another term on the Planning Board to make further progress on the Master Plan. 

He has been a member of the Planning Board for six years, and leads the Bylaw Codification Subcommittee. 

He takes part in professional training courses related to his Planning Board duties and thinks more training for other board members will help “increase understanding and awareness of town planning.”

To generate more money for the town, he believes it should complete its study with the Southeastern Regional Planning and Economic Development District on housing density. He could then use the findings to continue revising bylaws with his subcommittee so that the village can eventually be developed in a way that suits Marion. 

“Marion has been subjected to two large residential projects that we have little control over, we should not be subjected to any more like them,” Hills said. 

State law allows developers to come in and plan large residential projects under chapter 40B of state law with little input from the town if it has not already met the state’s 10% affordable housing requirement. 

A combination of zoning restrictions and citizen pressure can limit commercial development, Hills said, citing the CVS project as an example. In that case, citizens formed a petition to pressure CVS away from a store at the site of the Captain Hadley House.  

Hills hopes the board can build on its negotiation tools to modify developers’ designs so that both sides benefit. Knowing how to talk with developers might also allow the board to search out projects that match Marion’s goals. 

To support seniors in town, Hills suggested a bylaw review specifically focused on aging in place and affordability. 

Hills has lived in Marion since 2003. He served in the Navy, helping to overhaul nuclear submarines and underwater systems, and subsequently worked as a military contractor. He has a son in Maine and a daughter in California.