Funding for Rochester Police Department, Fire Station and more approved at Special Town Meeting
ROCHESTER — Residents packed into the Rochester Memorial School auditorium on Monday, Jan. 27, with 254 voters sitting shoulder to shoulder as they approved spending over half a million dollars for seven different projects at the Special Town Meeting.
Voters agreed with proposed renovations to the Rochester Police Department and approved spending nearly $300,000 for work on the building. Almost half of the money, $120,000, will be spent to install new cell block doors.
An independent review of the department found that the inward swinging cell block doors were “poorly designed to present a hazard to police officers and guests,” according to Police Chief Michael Assad.
“If somebody is detained inside that cell and they decide to lay down on the ground, stretch out and put their feet against the cell door, we would not be able to get in and render them aid,” Assad continued.
In addition to cell renovations, the police station also received voter approval for the allocation of $175,000 to renovate the second floor space of the department.
The approval of the funds will allow for the attic to be redeveloped as office and storage space.
Assad emphasized the importance of creating more space for officers in the department, especially with a growing staff and the recent addition of a detective position on the force.
The next step in the proposal for a new Rochester Fire Station sparked lengthy back and forth between citizens on Monday night.
Voters were asked to approve $55,000 for site work and engineering on a potential location for the new building at the Old Rochester Fair Grounds. Many in attendance raised concerns about the cost of the project and how it would benefit the community. Despite opposition, voters ultimately approved transferring the funds.
Several residents urged officials to seek out cheaper alternatives to the likely multi-million dollar project. Some suggested renovating the existing building or purchasing alternative housing for the fire department staff.
According to Fire Chief Scott Weigel, the fire station, built in 1883, is outdated and poses health risks to staff due to ventilation issues. Additionally the structure lacks proper decontamination bays, EMS storage and training spaces. The facility also does not meet ADA standards.
Impassioned members of the fire department urged voters to consider the safety of the staff and the collective safety that a fire station provides the town.
“We do this out of the love of the town, the love of our neighbors and all we’re asking for is a little support,” said Nathaniel Strive, a member of the fire department for over 40 years.
Voters also approved the allocation of $26,500 towards monitoring the levels of polyfluoroalkyl, also known as PFAS, in water surrounding the transfer station and related engineering costs for monitoring the harmful substances.
Nicknamed the forever chemicals, PFAS do not break down and are potentially cancerous, according to the board of health. The $26,500 will go towards ensuring that Rochester is compliant with the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection’s standards for monitoring PFAs.
Joseph H. Plumb Memorial Library will install a new hydraulic lift book deposit after receiving approval for $3,225 in funding due to the defective state of the current book deposit.
“The only funding that we get has mandates used towards materials or there are funds for our staff but really nothing for our facility itself. So we’re really struggling to even pay our electric bill,” said Kelley Meideros, chair of the board of trustees for the library.
For the Council on Aging, voters approved the transfer of $30,000 in funding for new commercial-grade kitchen flooring and an internal grease trap for their kitchen.
The highway department also received voter approved funding last night in an amount “not to exceed the sum of $100,000” to purchase a sander truck that will be used to spread salt and sand on icy roads during winter.