Marion Fire Department receives new equipment
MARION — The Marion Fire Department has received a new power stretcher and mass casualty response bags from the Marion EMT Association.
The stretcher raises and lowers at the touch of a button, making it easier for crews to load a patient into an ambulance. The mass casualty response bags feature a variety of tools and medical supplies that could prove life-saving in various emergencies.
“We are extremely grateful to the Marion EMT Association for their generous support of the Marion Fire Department,” Fire Chief Brian Jackvony said. “These donations are just the latest example of the charity’s support to our department over the years.”
The Marion EMT Association was established 40 years ago by James Dougall and others. Dougall was one of the paramedics and EMTs who ran Marion’s ambulance service for many years, starting in 1977. When the members of the Marion Emergency Medical Service received a rather substantial bequeath from a local woman’s will, the group decided to establish a charity in 1980 to benefit of Marion residents.
The Marion EMT Association is always accepting tax-deductible donations. Contributions may be forwarded to the charity’s treasurer, Joan Wing, at 651 Point Road, Marion.