Marion Marine Resource Commission shares safety info for kayaking

Jul 8, 2024

MARION — The Marion Marine Resource Commission has released information regarding safety rules when using kayaks.

Sippican Harbor and Buzzards Bay provide many opportunities to explore and discover via kayak and is “an ideal setting for both novice and experienced kayakers to explore,” material from the Marion Marine Resource Commission said.

“Whether you're gliding over tranquil waters at sunrise or navigating the more boisterous waves in the afternoon on Buzzards Bay, kayaking offers a perfect blend of relaxation, exercise, and natural beauty, making it a truly enjoyable and memorable activity, but it's essential to follow safety guidelines to ensure a safe experience,” the information said.

The first rule listed by the Marion Marine Resource Commission is to always wear a life jacket, or personal flotation device, at all times when on the water. The second rule is to “know your limits.”

“Paddle within your skill level and choose waters appropriate for your experience,” the safety material said. “Take lessons if you are a beginner.”

The next rules outlined are to check weather conditions, dress appropriately and to plan trips ahead of time.

The Marion Marine Resource Commission also recommends using proper kayak equipment in good condition and staying hydrated and protected from the sun. Other safety rules listed include knowing basic navigation, like how to use maps, compasses or navigational aids such as buoys or markers and understanding the water.

“Be aware of tides, currents, and potential hazards like rocks, trees, and other obstacles in the water,” the material said.

The Marion Marine Resource Commission further lists practicing self-rescue techniques, avoiding alcohol and drugs, staying visible and paddling in a group as safety rules for kayaking.

Lastly, the safety rules ask kayak users to respect wildlife and the environment and to learn and follow local regulations.

“By following these safety rules, you can enjoy a safe and enjoyable kayaking experience,” the material said.