Mattapoisett continues search for Conservation Agent/Planner

Apr 20, 2022

MATTAPOISETT – The candidate for the newly created full-time Mattapoisett conservation agent/planner position has dropped out.

After accepting the offer pending contract negotiations, Richard Vacca changed his mind in order to stay at his position as conservation agent in Plymouth.

“It wasn’t a money-related thing,” said Town Administrator Mike Lorenco. Vacca realized that his retirement date was closer than he had originally thought, Lorenco said, so he decided in Plymouth.

Lorenco stated that the position will be reposted and the town will have to go through the process again.

The position is newly created from two part-time positions, a town planner and a town conservation agent, which the town merged into one full-time position.

Lorenco stated that they were unable to fill the positions when they were posted as part-time. He suggested they merge them, as a full-time position would potentially entice more qualified applicants.

Planning Board members have expressed great need for more assistance.

“If the town wants professional planning, we need expertise,” said Planning Board member Janice Robbins said. “The needs are substantial.”

Robbins also noted that the demand for planners is huge.

Select Board Chair Jordan Collyer stated that the challenge in finding municipal government staff is universal. “It seems like we’re not unique here, the case is everywhere,” said Collyer. “Retention is extremely difficult and recruitment is horrendous. For whatever reason, the bodies just aren’t there to fill the positions.”

In addition to the conservation agent/planner position, Lorenco said that the town would also be posting listings for an assistant town accountant, an administrative coordinator, an administrator for the Council on Aging, and administrative assistant positions for the town hall and the board of health.

Lorenco said that those interested should contact his office at (508) 758-4100, ext. 4.