Old Rochester eighth grade students move to ‘next chapter’

Jun 15, 2023

MATTAPOISETT – As Old Rochester Regional Junior High School Principal Silas Coellner bid farewell to the eighth grade class, he concentrated on the students’ past experiences and future plans to guide them into high school.

“The most important thing you can do is hold out hope,” explained Coellner. “Hope is an expectation of a future blessing.”

The soon-to-be high school students celebrated the completion of the eighth grade with a promotion ceremony on Wednesday, June 14 at the Old Rochester Regional Junior High School.

Student ambassador Hannah Mansfield left her class with advice on how to maximize their high school experience and create lasting memories.

“Don’t forget to step out of your comfort zone,” Mansfield said. “Join clubs, try out for sports and explore the arts.”

The eighth grade class is familiar with this concept, as many students received awards for outstanding performance in academics and the arts, including the band directors award, rising star award and the navigator awards.

When saying goodbye to the students, Guidance Counselor Sheri DeChellis thanked parents for sharing their children with the school for the past two years, in which they forged “heartfelt connections.”

“I am going to dearly miss so many of you as you move on to the next chapter in your life,” said DeChellis.