Old Rochester Superintendent passes annual review with flying colors

Jun 25, 2024

MATTAPOISETT — One word was repeated over and over again in an annual review of Superintendent Mike Nelson’s performance at a meeting of the Old Rochester Regional School District’s joint school committee on Thursday, June 20: Exemplary.

Rochester School Committee member Sharon Hartley and Marion and Old Rochester Regional School Committee member Michelle Smith shared evaluations and comments made by school committee members regarding Nelson’s performance in the 2023-24 school year.

According to Hartley, a Superintendent’s goals committee met with Nelson before the school year and established four goals for him: Supporting teaching, learning and the sense of belonging, developing the five-year plan for the district, completing a superintendent’s induction program and enhancing a communication strategy.

Through the evaluation, school committee members determined Nelson met or exceeded expectations on the progress of each goal, with the majority of voters believing that Nelson exceeded expectations for each of the four goals.

The majority of voters believed that Nelson exceeded expectations for each of the four goals.

In addition to the four goals, members of all Tri-Town school committees were asked to assess Nelson’s performance in four factors: instructional leadership, management of operations, family and community engagement and professional culture.

Nelson received the highest rating possible, exemplary, for each of the four factors.

He also received a rating of exemplary in overall summative performance.

Smith and Hartley read aloud some comments submitted in the evaluation process.

“Superintendent Nelson and his administrative team have done a superb job of reviewing and overhauling our literacy programs district wide,” read one comment. “I am most impressed by the way the team has communicated with stakeholders throughout this process seeking feedback.”

Hartley said that she was “struck” by the positive nature of the feedback after reading all of the comments.

“We‘re in a good place,” said Smith to Nelson. “And we have you to thank for that. You and your team. We really appreciate all of your hard work.”

Nelson said that he takes all comments shared with him very seriously.

“Feedback is crucial when you’re in leadership positions,” he said. “Although I enjoy reflecting, I am already thinking about what the future brings.”