One-way no longer considered for Mattapoisett Village project

Jan 29, 2025

MATTAPOISETT — A one-way designation is no longer under consideration for Water Street in the reconstruction project planned for the streets of Mattapoisett Village, VHB representative Greg Russell confirmed at the Select Board meeting Tuesday, Jan. 28. 

Still in the 25% design phase, the project aims to reconstruct Main, Water and Beacon streets as well as Marion Road with the aim of providing Americans with Disabilities Act-compliant sidewalks, stormwater filtration systems and the replacement of an aging gas line.

The project is estimated to cost $16 million, funded entirely by federal and state funds, according to the Massachusetts Department of Transportation.

Mattapoisett Police Chief Jason King said his department had concerns with the proposed one-way causing increased congestion to the town center and heightened safety risks to drivers, pedestrians and cyclists. Additionally, it would affect the response time of emergency services.

This project, which was first applied for in 2013 and slated for construction in 2028, has also generated discussion in the town in part because it would require the removal of 31 “hazardous” trees that line the streets of Mattapoisett Village. 

An updated plan for the sidewalk design was shared at the meeting that Russell says looks to provide logical sidewalk connectivity while minimizing the impacts to trees and private properties.

The plan has the sidewalk running from Route 6 down Main Street and Water Street on the North/East side, with some areas having sidewalks on both sides. The sidewalk then switches to the South/West side in order to provide ADA-compliant access to the beach. It then switches back to the North/East at Marion Road.

Russell said removal of trees could be completed in phases before the start of the project so that they are not all removed at once, adding they can begin coming up with a plan on how best to replant the corridor. 

He also noted that the gas main will be replaced prior to the project — Eversource and the Department of Transportation are in the process of doing that now. The water main will also be replaced as part of this project.

While initially no traffic calming measures were being considered, the public expressed interest in seeing some at the Tuesday meeting, and those comments will be considered moving forward.

Russell said the Department of Transportation is looking to hold a Design Public Hearing this spring, with more details about the meeting coming soon.