Opinion: Support Marion’s participation in the Green Communities program
To the editor:
I encourage Marion residents to attend the Select Board meeting on May 7 to support the town’s participation in the Green Communities program. The Select Board should always seek ways to reduce property owner tax burden.
Since Marion joined in 2018, Green Communities grants funded many projects - saving taxpayers more than $500,000. With energy consumption now reduced by 24% thanks to these upgrades, Green Communities helps taxpayers save tax dollars — which helps all of us — every year.
The grant opportunities aren’t over. In June, Marion could apply for up to $220,000 to improve wastewater treatment plant control systems and heating systems in water and sewer pumping station heat systems.
Yes, every Green Community needs to follow the most current version of the Stretch Building Code. But don’t we all want homes with lower utility bills that are ready for the future? The National Association of Realtors reports that more than half of all buyers consider these features when shopping for homes. We know that young families and seniors especially look for ways to stay within their budgets.
If you can’t come to the May 7 meeting in person, please show your support for Marion’s Green Communities participation by signing this petition online at bit.ly/Marion-GC.
Alanna Nelson