Opinion: Thanks from the Friends of the Elizabeth Taber Library
To the editor:
The Friends of the Elizabeth Taber Library would like to thank all of those who participated in making their recent Afternoon Tea and Performance of “Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II” such an overwhelming success, not only a financial boon, but, more importantly, a joyous, festive occasion with creative outfits and happy spirits. We are grateful to the many individuals and organizations, including the Marion COA and Marion Antiques, who loaned and donated serving pieces, tableware, dishes, tables and more.
From the committee that spent months planning, to the special bakers and sandwich makers, to the waitresses and kitchen staff, to those who set everything up and took it down again—all a huge labor of love—we say thank you. We are grateful to our Librarian, Elizabeth Sherry, for her ticket and poster design expertise, to all the library staff for their support, and to the Marion Art Center for running off the programs.
With the generous support of sponsors: Dr. Joshua Fischer, the Mattapoisett Town Wharf General Store, W S Bradford Builders, Mattapoisett Veterinary Hospital, and All Hands Dentistry, as well as from individual donors, our costs were more than covered, enabling a substantial sum to directly benefit the library and its programming.
The Friends of the ETL is very proud of the fact that in the one year since it began, it has organized a monthly book club at the Marion COA, and held four successful fundraising events. The next one will be the Spring Book Sale on Friday, May 10 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Saturday, May 11 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on the grounds of the library. The bins are overflowing with donations, so no more can be accepted until after the upcoming sale.
Anyone who is interested in being part of the Friends is urged to contact the Membership Chr., Robin Zora, at robin.zora927@gmail.com.
Janet Wallace, Pres.
Friends of the Elizabeth Taber Library