OR seniors host Trunk-or-treat
OR seniors dressed up in costumes and handed out candy to children from around the Tri-Town on Oct. 23 at the high school’s second annual Trunk-or-treat event.
In addition to providing a festive evening for the local children, the event acted as a fundraiser for the senior class, helping to pay for senior prom in the spring.
“A lot of our fundraisers are just for the class, but this is one that reaches out into the community, which is really cool,” said John Kassabian, a member of the senior class student council.
Senior Class Advisor Kelly Ochoa said that last year’s seniors decided to do the first Trunk-or-treat after most of the local Halloween events got cancelled because of covid, and were pleased with how it turned out.
“The kids were so impressed with how many people came,” she said.
Ochoa’s fellow class advisor, Elizabeth Andrews explained that when they decided to repeat the event, they tweaked the details a bit.
Last year, it was scheduled on a school night and had to start later in the evening, so it was darker and colder. This time around, they reserved the parking lot for a weekend evening, just as the sun began to set.
“This is much nicer,” she said.