Over the moon at Elizabeth Taber Library
MARION — Stacks of tissue paper, bottles of Elmer’s glue and oreos covered the activity tables at Elizabeth Taber Library on Saturday, Jan. 25 in preparation for their first ever full moon party.
Maci Logan, Mila Logan and their father David sat at one of the many crafting tables, constructing their own paper plate wolves in honor of January’s Wolf Moon.
“We’re making a wolfie!” exclaimed Maci as she stuck glue and tissue paper to her paper plate.
“We like the books and we like that they always have crafts!” said Mila of the Elizabeth Taber library.
Maci beamed as she showed her dad the wolf teeth she cut with construction paper. “I did one, daddy! I did one!” she said excitedly.
Children’s librarian Macy Davis organized the event in hopes that it will become a monthly tradition.
“As I've started this new position, and I'm looking to get kind of regular programs going, I liked the idea of having something that happens every month on kind of somewhat of a regular schedule and I also really like that it's something that's seasonal so it changes with the seasons,” said Davis.
January is the Wolf Moon, February is the Snow Moon and March is the Worm Moon, explained Davis.
To celebrate the Wolf Moon, children could sketch a wolf silhouette out of black construction paper and oil pastels in addition to having a live wolf observation cam set up next to a set of wolf word searches.
One of the activities involves shaping oreo cream to look like the different phases of the moon.
“We have activities both about the moon and about wolves,” said Davis. “As the kids will work on that, I’ll talk about the position of the moon and we’ll make our Oreos look like the moon, and then have a little snack.”
Davis wants the event to be both fun and informational for the children and their families.
“I’m hoping that it will be a fun family experience that kids will take away a little bit of knowledge about either wolves or the moon, and the idea that there’s this full moon, this thing that happens every month, and that we can kind find a way to connect with it and celebrate it in our lives,” said Davis.