Parade celebrates Rochester child’s 4th birthday

Jul 17, 2024

ROCHESTER — The sirens of Rochester Fire Department vehicles blared through the town’s streets on the evening of Tuesday, July 16 but not because of an emergency. These were celebratory sirens.

The day marked Rochester resident Rylie Dion’s fourth birthday but also marked the day Dion would have to undergo a procedure, in an attempt to help treat the Non-tuberculosis Mycobacterium Lymphadenitis she suffers from.

Non-tuberculosis Mycobacterium Lymphadenitis is a rare disorder that affects the lymph nodes in young children.

To try to bring some light to Dion’s big day, her mother Kristi Weigel and aunts planned a parade for family, friends and the Rochester community to wish Dion well.

Dozens of vehicles, including fire engines from Rochester and Marion, motorcycles and a tractor, made a loop around Dion’s home, beeping horns as Rylie and her loved ones sat in her front yard.

“There’s a fire truck!” shouted out Dion as the vehicles started coming into view.

Some cars were decorated in celebratory attire as the parade marched its way through the neighborhood.

Dion’s two older brothers, Braydon and Chase, helped collect birthday gifts that guests handed out of their windows.

According to Dion’s aunt Katelyn Poitras, a similar parade was held for Dion in 2022.

“It worked out really well,” said Poitras of the first parade. “A lot of people showed up for her and she loved it.”

When Dion’s family found out she was going to need a procedure on her birthday this year, they decided another parade would be a good way to celebrate.

“Even just seeing people pull in, I have goosebumps,” said Poitras. “I've seen people passing the word out about it and calling on their friends to join, it's really sweet to see.”