Rochester receives sizable check from Plymouth County

Aug 6, 2024

ROCHESTER — A pair of Plymouth County commissioners presented the Rochester Select Board with a big check — in terms of both physical and financial size, at a meeting on Monday, Aug. 5.

The large check, presented by commissioners Jared Valanzola and Sandra Wright, was composed of two smaller checks totalling $602,226.32. It was paid as a reimbursement through Plymouth County’s American Rescue Planning Act fund.

Valanzola said he and Wright were "happy to be" in Rochester to present the checks, which were for the purchase of an ambulance and revenue reimbursement.

According to Interim Town Administrator Suzanne Szyndlar, the ambulance cost about $384,000 and the revenue reimbursement check was for approximately $218,000.

“I just want to thank your staff for doing such a great job in putting this application together, dotting all of the I’s and crossing all of the T’s,” said Wright. “It certainly helps us and makes our job a lot easier.”

Valanzola said that towns with remaining ARPA funds, like Rochester, should let the county know what they plan on using them for by Sept. 30.

“Once that is done, we plan to assess and reallocate,” said Valanzola.

Select Board member Paul Ciaburri serves on the Plymouth County Advisory Board, which includes one select board member from each town.

“I’d just like to let you know what a privilege it has been to be Rochester’s representative to the [Plymouth County] advisory board and what a wonderful job that you do every day,” said Ciaburri. “You’ve done a fantastic job with the ARPA funds. If every city and town was run as good as Plymouth County, we would be in a really good place.”