Select Board seeks grant to replace aging servers

Aug 23, 2023

MATTAPOISETT — The Town of Mattapoisett will seek a $5,000 grant to help cover the cost of replacing aging computer servers currently in use by town hall, said Mattapoisett Operations and Project Administrator Katie Desrosiers.

According to Desrosiers, the approximate cost to replace both servers is $10,000, and the cost of one server could be covered by a $5,000 grant.

“So right now, as I understand it, the two servers are not properly updating anymore, because they're just so old,” said Mattapoisett Select Board member Tyler Macallister.

The servers will stop updating in October, clarified Derosiers.

The Select Board voted to allocate $10,000 of American Rescue Plan Act funds toward the replacement of the servers, with the caveat that less ARPA funds will be used if a grant is secured.

“It makes a lot of sense because we don't want our servers to crash,” said Macallister.