Sippican Historical Society welcomes new Executive Director
The Sippican Historical Society has named Alanna Nelson as its next Executive Director, replacing Leslie Thayer Piper who steps down in December. Piper will continue in her role as Sippican Historical Society Archivist through June, 2023.
Originally from Wisconsin, Nelson worked as a National Park Ranger in college, lived for 11 years in Italy, and moved to Marion in 2020. In the last decade, she has created marketing campaigns and managed events for non-profits, small businesses and artists. She is also a fiber artist who recreated historic textiles at the Isabella Stuart Gardner Museum in Boston.
She calls herself a community connector, and as a member of the Marion Planning Board, loves to think about what aspects of our past should be found in the future.
Nelson has also served as Vice President of the Sippican Historical Society, and is very pleased and excited to take over the position of Executive Director beginning in January, 2023.