Town of Marion to finalize nominees for election

Mar 25, 2025

MARION — Nominations for the Marion election on Friday, May 16 are soon to be finalized, with the last date to return nomination papers coming up on Friday, March 28 at 5 p.m.

There are 10 electable positions available on this year’s ballot, including one Select Board seat, one Marion School Committee seat and one Old Rochester School Committee seat.

Select Board Vice-Chair Carleton Burr, Jr. will not be running for reelection after the end of his term in May and four nominees are vying for his position.

Cynthia Callow, Sean Sweeney, John Hoagland and George TJ Walker have all confirmed their nomination papers for the Select Board seat.

Nominee Hoagland previously served on the Marion Select Board from 1986 to 1992.

“I enjoyed the job a lot because I enjoy people and enjoy helping people,” said Hoagland.

He holds degrees from Colgate University and Harvard Business School and currently works for Pepsico in Southeastern Massachusetts and Eastern Rhode Island.

Hoagland looks to prioritize affordable housing and infrastructure for seniors, stating that over 45% of the population in Marion are senior citizens and he aspires to create an environment where they can live comfortably.

“I look forward to representing them again in Town Hall,” says Hoagland of the people of Marion.

Nominee Callow formerly worked as an educator on the South Coast, serving as a special education teacher and principal at public schools in New Bedford. 

She currently works as an adjunct professor of special education at Boston College alongside serving as chairman for the Marion Zoning Board of Appeals since 2020.

“I don’t have any hidden agenda and I want what’s best for the town that I’ve lived in for 40 years,” said Callow.

Sweeney previously worked in government, serving on the Zoning Board of Appeals in Needham and Shrewsbury.

He stated that he would bring “a very unique skillset” to the Select Board position, currently working as a civil engineer at CHA Consulting in addition to holding a master of business administration in finance and a law degree.

“I really feel I’m a triple threat where I’m able to really understand the issues in depth, everything from administrative law down to specific issues with the municipal sewer system,” said Sweeney.

Select Board nominee Walker is currently chair of the Marion Board of Assessors. He was not available for comment at this time.

Incumbent Nichole Daniel of the Marion School Committee and incumbent April Nye of the Old Rochester School Committee are the only candidates running for election on their respective boards.

There are two seats open for three-year terms on the Open Space Acquisition Commission, with incumbent John Rockwell, Adele Sands and Shaun P. Walsh campaigning for the position.

Planning board incumbents Tucker Burr and Andrew Daniel are running for reelection with newcomer Emily Catherine Fialho throwing her hat in the ring for a position as well.

There are currently no nominees for the one-year term position on the Open Space Acquisition Commission.