Volunteers needed for Rochester town boards
Volunteers are needed for various boards in the Town of Rochester.
The Capital Planning Committee is seeking volunteers. The committee assists the town in planning for the purchase of big-ticket items, such as vehicles and machinery, and for the funding of major building projects, among other things.
Additionally, two seats are open on the town's Personnel Board and four seats are open on the Agricultural Committee. Submit a letter of interest to the Selectmen's Office, 1 Constitution Way, Rochester, MA 02770.
The Conservation Commission is seeking associate members. These non-voting members assist the Selectmen-appointed commission with its workload. Contact Conservation Agent Laurell J. Farinon at 508-763-542, ext. 206, or lfarinon@townofrochester.com with questions about becoming an associate member, or send a letter of interest to the Rochester Conservation Commission, Rochester Town Hall Annex, 37 Marion Road, Rochester, MA 02770.
For more information, visit: https://www.townofrochestermass.com/jobopportunities.html