'Be the Match' for marrow registry

Sep 19, 2011

David is a 21-year-old Marion resident, who was about to begin his senior year at Bryant University majoring in Actuarial Mathematics.  In July 2011, David was diagnosed with a rare “double hit” Lymphoma.  He has just completed his 4th round of chemotherapy at the Dana Farber/Brigham and Women’s Cancer Center and is now preparing for a stem cell transplant in mid October.

Every year thousands of patients like David depend on bone marrow donors who can make their life-saving transplant possible.
David is asking your help to find a match for all patients who need a marrow transplant by joining us on October 2, 2011, at the Reservation Golf Club, 10 Reservation Road, Mattapoisett -  12 p.m. to 4 p.m.

Registration is simple - just paperwork, a cheek swab and be between the ages of 18 and 60!

There is no out of pocket cost to join the Registry.  Insurance companies are billed $112 to cover the cost of the tissue typing and processing needed to cover the cost of processing.  For those without insurance or with high deductibles the Michael's Fund of Fall River will cover the cost. 

Please bring your insurance card!

If you have any questions about the Donor Drive call Terri Santos at (508) 801-2585.
You can find more about the “Be The Match Registry” at http://www.marrow.org/.