Cut pandemic stress with yoga

Apr 5, 2020

Like many other businesses in Marion, Rochester and Mattapoisett, yoga studios have felt the impact of state shutdowns. Although some of them are able to continue classes online, Sippican Week also asked three yoga instructors to provide poses that anyone could do at home. 

Pose one: Warrior II/Virabhadrasana II

Deb Fraine, instructor at Anchor Yoga in Mattapoisett and Marion Yoga Loft

Standing at the top of your mat, step your right foot back and open your hips to the right side of your mat. Bring your left knee over the ankle with your right leg extended. Align the left heel with the right  arch if possible. Make sure that your weight is distributed evenly, not leaning forward or backward. For your arms, face your palms down, and align the arms in one line parallel to the floor. Fix your gaze over the left middle finger.

With this pose, you will open your hips up and strengthen your thighs and buttocks.


Pose two: Reclining bound angle pose

Marsha Hartley, instructor at Studio 105 in Rochester.
Lie on your back, with the soles of your feet together, arms away from the body and palms up. Breath slowly — in through the nose, and out through the mouth.
The reclining bound angle pose will help to relax you while also helping to relieve fatigue.




Pose three: Half-sun salutation

Jenn Risio, instructor at Marion Yoga Loft and Anchor Loft in Mattapoisett

Begin in the Mountain Pose (Tadasana) with your feet shoulder width apart, firmly planted into the ground. Your arms should be extended down, alongside the body, thigh muscles engaged, and stomach drawn in towards the spine. Breathe in and out of your nose. 

Begin with your hands pressed together at your heart. As you inhale, sweep your arms up and reach for the sky. As you exhale, hinge at the hips, leading with your chest, and let your upper body drape over your thighs. Let your head relax, and relax the jaw as well. Inhale and slide your hands up your shins to knees and flatten your back (imagine balancing a cup of water on your sacrum.) Exhale and bend your knees to fold
 forward, head relaxed and feet firmly planted into the ground. As you inhale, rise and sweep your arms over your head, reach for the sky! Exhale and return your hands to the position at the heart. Keep your legs strong, navel to spine, and feet firmly rooted.

Repeat this 3 times or more. Practice this with a slow and steady breath, each inhale and exhale is a different posture. Each breath initiates
your movement from beginning to end. 

The forward folds stretch all the connective sheath and tissue from
the heels of your feet, to the crown of your head!