Negotiations end traffic dilemma for Rochester housing development

Sep 8, 2020

ROCHESTER — After months of public and private debate, a housing developer and gas station owner have reached an agreement on exits that will allow planning for a 208 unit development to move forward.

Steen Realty and Development Corporation has been working for almost two years to get an overlay district for a mixed use residential and commercial development under chapter 40R of state law, which allows developers to build affordable housing while giving the town more input on the design. 

On Jan. 29, Andrew Delli Carpini, the owner of Seasons Corner Market, which abuts the planned development, said he had an issue with a plan that would eliminate one of his two entrances.

The two owners struggled for months with various easements that would allow for clear traffic flow while also maintaining access for Seasons Corner Market. At one point, it looked like the issue might go to court. 

However, at a Sept. 8 Planning Board meeting John Russell, an attorney for Seasons, said that “conceptually we are there,” on the road easement. 

He did not provide many details on how the easement would work, other than it would offer those leaving the gas station and market with access to the ring road that Steen has planned around the development. 

Russell also said the two companies are working on an easement for a sign on County Road. 

Planning Board Chair Arnold Johnson said that the Zoning Board will have to be involved in the sign because of its size, but that shouldn’t hold up the planning process. He also asked for a copy of the traffic study that the two companies used in formulating their solution. 

The board will continue discussing other unrelated matters for the development, such as planning for a bus stop.