Black bear sighted near Wareham, Marion town line

Oct 29, 2021

A black bear has been sighted near the Wareham and Marion town line along County Road. 

The Wareham Department of Natural Resources shared advice for those who may see this bear on its quest for a picnic basket: There is no need to approach, disturb, or feed the bear. Loud noises will scare it off. If confronted, the department recommends backing away slowly and making loud noises — not running away or making sudden movements.

The Marion Police Department recommends bringing in bird feeders, securing trash, keeping dogs leashed, and never allowing dogs chase or interact with bears.

To report a sighting of the bear to the Wareham Department of Natural Resources, email or leave a message at 508-291-3100, ext. 3183.

As of Nov. 2, neither the Wareham Department of Natural Resources nor the Marion Police had received reports of any additional bear sightings.