Marion, Rochester awarded land purchase grants from state
The state announced on Dec. 7 that it is giving $125,606 in federally funded grant awards for land protection, septic system tracking, and town bylaw amendments that will protect water quality and habitat in the Buzzards Bay watershed. Of the six towns awarded funds, Marion and Rochester received a combined $70,000.
Marion was awarded $50,000 to work with the Buzzards Bay Coalition, Sippican Lands Trust and two private landowners to protect more than 36 acres of land in the Aucoot Cove watershed through a combination of land acquisitions and conservation restrictions.
These lands, which contain habitats for rare species, will build on a larger block of existing conservation land and protect wetlands, associated uplands and portions of two streams, as well as expand opportunities for public recreation.
In Rochester, the town was awarded $20,946 to work with the Buzzards Bay Coalition, to purchase and permanently protect 232 acres of land located within a large undeveloped forest area at the headwaters of the west branch of the Sippican River.
The property includes Atlantic White Cedar Swamp, state-designated habitats and 65 acres of cranberry bogs. The Massachusetts Division of Ecological Restoration has identified the restoration of the cranberry bogs on this property as a priority project.