Former student weighs in on Tabor decision
Feb 19, 2020
To the Editor:
My name is Taylor Hatch. I wanted to take a moment to say how much I appreciated the opinion piece you posted. As a student who was kicked out of Tabor Academy after just one strike, it sickens me to learn that while students are held accountable for their actions, the head of school is apparently not.
I was dismissed from Tabor in the early portion of my senior year, after spending three years developing friendships and relationships with the community there. Despite my repentance and assurances that I would use my mistake as an experience to learn and grow, John Quirk decided to expel me. While it was heartbreaking to be taken from my friends and a school that I had grown to know so well, the difficulty of that experience has made me stronger today.
I applaud the Bannons, and the strength they show with the message they sent. Shame on John Quirk for his actions, as someone who is meant to uphold the principles of the school. Shame on Tabor for standing by him. And shame on anyone who believes that those in power deserve superior treatment.
Thank you for publishing the real opinions of the community who do not condone these actions.
Taylor Hatch