Opinion: Media should print book excerpts

Nov 1, 2022

Dear Editor,

Thank you for your article that brings attention to the books that have caused great concern for many parents. Providing the titles of these books being recommended and promoted by librarians, teachers and educational administrators, is quite enlightening.

Many of us, particularly those whose children are no longer in the public school system, are not cognizant of how today’s youth are being groomed for their own future, much less groomed to manage the future of this great nation.

I believe there are still many adults who wish to retain the responsibility of raising their children based on the morals and ethics deemed best for their family. Many do not believe teachers should ever have the power to be surrogate parents. Many believe the school’s sole objective is to teach children to read, write, and do math in order to survive and thrive in the real world.

My hope is that you, as a true journalist, striving to report facts and truth, will continue to provide insight to what is taking place in the public classrooms. With the names of these books, I was able to find reviews and read excerpts for myself. It was an eye-opener!

So, this is my challenge to you:
If the subject matter of these books is innocuous, you should be eager to print excerpts and graphics from the references below. Please print as many as you can. Hopefully this will promote clarity on the issue as well as an open discussion as to whether our “educators” are focusing on the academic needs of children or are promoting another, perhaps nefarious agenda:

All Boys Aren’t Blue: pages 266, 268, 270
Beyond Magenta: the page that describes a 6-year-old enjoying oral sex
Lawn Boy: page 90
Flamer: page 48 (FYI this is a comic book)
Gender Queer: A Memoir: page 60 to 63, 167 (also a comic book)
Out of Darkness: page 33.
The Bluest Eye: pages 84-85, 162-163, 174, 181

And a final two questions:
1. After seeing the plethora of this genre foisted upon our young children and teens today, how can we be surprised that there is such depression, anger, lack of ambition, disrespect, and a grim view of their own future?
2. And. . . are we to assume that this so-called literature is replacing the great writers and thinkers of history? If so, even I have a grim view of the future.

J Reinhart